Try meditating in a dimly lit room, candlelight is excellent. Avoid bright, direct, harsh lighting. If you choose to meditate outdoors try to keep in the shade.
If you choose to meditate outdoors you might like to take some insect repellent. Having bugs crawl all over you while you are trying to meditate is not pleasant.
If you feel it might help your concentration and focus - cast a circle.
Unplug the phone, lock all your doors and ask your family members not to disturb you. Interruptions are very annoying.
You can try music during meditation if you like. I suggest classical music to begin with but you can use whatever you are comfortable with. I find Sarah McLachlan is effective. You could also try headphones to block out any other noise.
Find a comfortable chair to sit in or perhaps a pillow to sit on if you prefer sitting cross-legged. You could also try meditating lying down if you like, just don’t fall asleep!
Really concentrate on the rhythm of your breathing. Take long, slow, deep breaths.
You can try incense if you like but this can obviously cause problems with the deep breathing side of meditation.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
Try only small lengths of time in the beginning, maybe only 5-10 minutes. As you get better and more experienced you can increase the amount of time you spend meditating.

Meditation to Rid You of your Troubles

I would suggest no music or very low somber music for this one. A candle lit room is best. Burning insence is recommended as well. Sandlewood is a good one to get the right mood for this meditation. Find your favorite room to relax in that you will have no interuptions. Sit or lay down and clear your mind so you can focus. Slow your breathing, and picture yourself in a room sitting in a rocking chair looking out a window. This window has a set of curtains upon it. Outside this window is all your worries, your problems, your stress. Anything that weighs on your mind throughout the day. As you stare out this window the curtains begin to close, very slowly. Taking all of your worries and pains away. The curtains continue to close very slowly until they are closed. This meditation is a short one; but still the smaller ones have a lot of impact. And still a good start to a stress free life; or at least less of one.

Utopia Meditation
{From "Dance of Power" by Dr. Susan Gregg}

Allow yourself to relax totally and completely. (long pause) Find yourself floating up over your life. See your life on a line, a line of time. See your past flowing out behind you, your future in front of you. In front of you is a large bubble of light. It is pure, clear and very inviting. You step into it. You feel totally safe, protected, and loved. You are love. You feel all your fears and limitations falling away. You feel free.
(long pause)
You begin drifting back into your life, surrounded by that bubble. You begin noticing that most people have walls around their hearts. You see that all their anger, fears and limitations come from those walls. The bubble begins to drift in time. You feel yourself in a world where everyone is free. Their hearts are open. The world is free of limitations. No one has bands around their hearts. There is no suffering, no pain. It is Utopia. Everyone is living from their hearts.
(long pause)
You decide you want to live in that world. Once again you float over your time line. You gently insert that vision of the world into your life. You see yourself and everyone around you living from their hearts. It is magical. You feel free and loving. The world is so gentle. You remember that Utopia is possible.
(long pause)
You step back into your time line. You know Utopia lies within you. You ask for help in creating it. You bring that reality back with you. You feel the wall around your heart melting away. You begin to live from your heart. You bring that feeling with you. Let that world begin with you.

The Crystal Cave Meditation

This is a very beautiful visualization/meditation. Free your mind!
Sit/lie comfortably. Music or tapes of nature sounds are immensely helpful in this one. Close your eyes. Slow your breathing.
Imagine yourself walking down a woodland path. There are deer, squirrels, rabbits and other wildlife scampering in the underbrush. You can hear birds singing. As you walk, the path becomes progressively steeper. You climb, but the uphill walk does not tire you. As you come to the crest of the hill, you see the opening to a cave in the side of a mountain, only a few feet away. Your totem animal, or an animal you identify with, should be waiting there.
Walk into the cave. At first the walls will be black or grey. Then you see a sparkle, and the walls are covered with garnets, gving off a scarlet glow. Walk through the hall of garnets, absorbing their light. Slowly, the garnets will give way to carnelian, glowing softly orange. Walk through the carnelians, absorbing their light. Slowly, the carnelian gives way to topaz, shining with a sunshiny yellow.
Walk through the topaz, absorbing its light. The topaz will give way to emerald. Walk through the emerald, absorbing its light. The emeralds will give way to turquoise. Walk through the turquoise, absorbing its light. The turquoise gives way to walls of sapphires. Walk through the sapphires, absorbing their light. The sapphires will finally give way to amythyst. Walk through the amythyst, absorbing its light.
When you have come through the amythyst hall, you should be in the place you want to be. For me, it is always a magickal forest, where my spirit guide Grandfather Black Hawk and my guardian Wolf Takiya greets me. Let your mind go, it will take you where you need to go.

River of Life Meditation
by Van Ault

I offer the following meditation process for those times when it seems that your magic doesn't work. When you've tried all the techniques, when you've gotten no results, when you're wondering if any of this matters at all, the process in this meditation can produce miracles and create a sense of completion. You can read the script into a tape, or have a friend lead you through it.
Find a comfortable place where you can relax and be completely quiet...relax...allow your thoughts now to just come and go...come and go...and take a deep breath in and hold it...(pause) gather up the tension in your body, and release it as you exhale...take another deep breath, and as you exhale, let go of anybody else's energy or thoughts you may be carrying....and breathe in new energy...breathe in new possibilities...and allow your body to fill with lightness...feel it becoming lighter and lighter as you relax more and more...relaxing deeply...going deeper...feeling very light light you could almost float away..........
And as you relax, imagine a beautiful colored mist is swirling up around you, billowing up around you into a cushiony, soft, cloud of energy...and you are resting completely upon this cloud...and you are you breathe in and out, let your thoughts just come and go...relaxing more and more...and the cloud of energy now lifts you up into the air and carries your down into your own inner world...down between the boundaries of time and a place of timeless beauty and infinite possibilites...floating down now, going deeper and deeper, leaving the outer world and its concerns far behind, as you drift and float on this beautiful cloud....going further and further...down below you is a rock, a giant rock...and the cloud gently and effortlessly lands upon the rock and you step off it, as the cloud swirls back into a mist and disappears for now.........
Stand upon this rock now, and feel the strength of it under your feet...and as you turn around, you look out upon a great river...flowing as far as you can see...seeming to come from some infinite place...and disappearing into an infinite place...a flowing, endless river of energy...this is the river of all life waters...all of life draws upon the lifeforce that moves through its steaming currents...look closely at the water...what color is it? it may look like liquid light to you...look deeply into it, and sense the power and depth of the river...what sound does it make as it courses through its channels? you stand securely upon your rock, notice and fragrance...and bend down and cup your hands in the living water,and splash some of it on your face... feel the life giving force on your skin...take a sip of the water...allow the river of life to nourish you........
Now relax a moment upon the rock...and bring into your mind the magical intention that never seemed to go anywhere...what were you trying to accomplish?...what was the basic intention you had?...what was the emotion behind the intention?...feel the energy of that emotion moving onto the palms of your hands now... feel the energy glowing...pulsating...breathe and allow your intention that you're still clinging to externalize...the energy of it is now shimmering,glowing...swirling into a sphere...allow all of your desire to flow into this sphere...and allow this sphere to appear to you however it appears...and just observe what you may see pictures or symbols emerging within the sphere...whatever you see is fine..........
When your sphere is completely filled with the last of your desire, emotion, and intention, hold it aloft...feel the power of it in you hands, a globe of power that you can now release...and look out into the river of as its currents of possibility flow for ever and ever,as far as you can see...and whenever you're ready, with as much and as little force as you need, throw the pulsating sphere into the river...and give this intention to the life force of this great as the sphere touches the water...and gradually disappears into the current...........
Take a deep the sphere disappears the last of your intention and emotion and desire merges with the source of all life, from which it originally came...and leaves you........
Now complete any business here that you need to finish...take a few moments to enjoy the flowing river of life,and know that the possibilities it nourishes can bring miracles into your life too..........
Take another deep breath, and notice tha colored mist is once again swirling around you...billowing up underneath you to form a beautiful cloud of cushiony energy, which is lifted up into the air, with you upon it...relaxing into the cloud you are returning the way you came...lifting up up through time and space, coming back from the inner world...coming up... further and further... floating and drifting back...coming back...bringing you all the way back into your body now, into this room...bringing your attention completely back into this time and place...take a deep breath and begin to re-orient yourself to the outer world...and when you're ready, count to three..., and on the count of three open your eyes,and return feeling relaxed, alert and at peace.
~from the essay "When Magic Doesn't Work" by Van Ault


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